The Yeshiva Trail

Overall Description

Join Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler on an inspirational jewish heritage experience.

Modern-day Yeshivot are heir to the rich dynasties of the formative Yeshiva institutions dating back to the early 19th century in Lithuania and Belarus.

In contradistinction to the Hassidic movement, predominantly in Poland and the Ukraine, the Yeshiva Trail embarks on the spiritual journey of the Mitnagdim – the anti-Hassidic movement, and the complementary Mussar movement. 

All in all, participants in the Yeshiva Trail will experience a unique journey and quickly learn to recognize the antecedents of their own Torah education throughout the post-Holocaust world.

Sunday: Flight from the US to Poland/Lithuania
Monday: The emergence of the Mintagdim movement

Monday: The emergence of the Mintagdim movement

Arrival in Vilna (Vilnius) – Jewish Vilna.

Archeological site of the Great Synagogue, and the Choral Synagogue.

Old Cemetery: R' Baruch Be'er Leibovitz.

New Cemetery: the Vilna Gaon, R' Chaim Ozer, and others.

Overnight: Vilnius

Tuesday: The Torah and the Mussar movement: Vilna – Kovno (Kaunas)

In the morning we'll travel to the city of Kovno. En route we'll stop at the Zhezhmir Synagogue, 

Upon arrival in Kovno (Kaunas), well head for the Knesset Yisrael yeshiva in the suburb of Kovno, Slobodka. We will visit the Kovno cemetery, where R' Itzchak Elhanan Spektor, R' Abraham Dov Kahane Shapiro (author of "Dvar Avraham"), among others, are entombed. From there we move on to the Choral synagogue "Ohel Avraham", and the Choral Schul. We will pay our respects to Chiune Sugihara, the Japanese consul stationed in Kovno during WWII, where he issued thousands of visas to Lithuanian Jews fleeing the German invaders; many of them were students at the Mir Yeshiva. We'll see the notorious 7th Fortress, turned into a museum, where R' Elhanan Vasserman הי"ד  was killed. Return to Vilna in the evening.

Overnight: Vilnius

Wednesday: The world of Lithuanian Yeshivot – from Vilna to Belarus

We'll check out of the hotel early and cross the Belarus border on the way to Volozhin, where we'll visit the Mother of Yeshivot – the Etz Chaim Yeshiva, founded by R' Chaim of Volozhin, and make a stop at the local cemetery.  

From Volozhin we will travel to Novogrudok – the center of the Mussar movement and residence of the author of "Ba'al Aruch Shulhan", and make a visit to the Museum of Partisans.

From there we will travel to Radun, location of yeshiva and a cemetery, where we'll stop at the grave of Hacheftz Chaim, and in the evening reach Grodno where we'll spend the night.

Overnight : Grodno

Thursday: The Brisk Road

In the morning we will arrive at the Great Synagogue and the Sha'ar HaTorah Yeshiva where R' Shimon Schkop taught.

From Grodno we'll continue to Kamenetz where we'll visit the building of the Knesset Bet Itzchak Yeshiva, and the castle.

Our next stop is Brisk (Brest), where famous rabbis officiated, including R' Yoel Sirkish, the author of "Bait Hadash", R' Ya'akov Meir Padva (פאדווה),  Maharil Diskin, R' Yosef Dov HaLevi Soloveitchik, the author of "Bait HaLevi", his son, R' Chaim Soloveitchik, and his son, who served as the last rabbi of the city, R' Itzchak Ze'ev ("Velvele") Soloveitchik. The town is also birthplace of Menahem Begin, the Prime Minister of Israel. We will also visit the building of the yeshiva and the synagogue.

We will cross the Polish border and arrive at the town of Wlodawa.

Overnight: Wlodawa

Friday : To Lublin "Jerusalem" of Poland

Following a visit to the synagogue in Wlodawa, we will travel to Lublin, "Jerusalem of Poland." We'll visit the old cemetery, the place of rest of R' Shachne, R' Polak, as well as R' Solomon Luria ("Maharshal") and R' Ya'akov Itzhak Horowitz "the seer of Lublin" ("Hozeh").

From there we'll arrive to the Hachmei Lublin Yeshiva, which now houses a hotel, where we'll spend the Sabbath.

Overnight: Lublin

The Sabbath: Lublin - the capital of Torat Israel 

Following a prayer and the Sabbath meal, we'll hear the story of the founding and destruction of the magnificent Hachmei Lublin Yeshiva, tour its halls, where, with a little imagination we can hear the tunes of students deep in study, and the stirring voices of lesson teachers magidei shiyurim.

Study of the weekly Torah portion, and HaDaf HaYomi.

A walking tour in the ghetto and a view of the remnants of the Maharshal Synagogue.

"Melaveh Malka" – Hassidic tisch.

Overnight : Lublin.

Sunday: Between Hassidim and Mitnagdim

We will travel to Warsaw with the following stops en route:

Gur (the cemetery where "Hidushei Harim" and "Sfat Emet" are buried), Bet Hamidrash.

The Beit Midrash in Gur

 From there we'll continue to Warsaw and visit the cemetery, where, the Natziv of Volozhin (Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin), R. Chaim Soloveitchik , the Rebbe of Moszycz , and others are buried.

The "Polin" Museum – summary of centuries of Jewish life in Poland.

Farewell dinner and a group summery meeting.

Overnight: Warsaw

Monday: Farewell, and have a safe trip home

Breakfast and check out. Departure.

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